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Generate events#

This guide shows how to use the Madgraph5 class to generate events WW and QCD to dijet processes. To get started, let’s import some necessary classes from generators module:

from hml.generators import Madgraph5, Madgraph5Run

API is designed to be as much similar as the CLI. The following table shows the correspondence between the CLI commands and the API methods:

CLI command API method
import model sm g.import_model("sm")
define l = e+ e- g.define("l = e+ e-")
generate p p > j j add process p p > j j j g.generate("p p > j j", "p p > j j j")
display diagrams Diagrams g.display_diagrams("Diagrams")
output ./test g.output("./test")
launch g.launch(...)


The Madgraph5 API (application programming interface) works similarly to the Madgraph5 CLI (command line interface). It uses CLI commands to generate events, so the very first step is to connect to the Madgraph5 executable file:

g = Madgraph5(executable="mg5_aMC", verbose=1)
*                                                          *
*                     W E L C O M E to                     *
*              M A D G R A P H 5 _ a M C @ N L O           *
*                                                          *
*                                                          *
*                 *                       *                *
*                   *        * *        *                  *
*                     * * * * 5 * * * *                    *
*                   *        * *        *                  *
*                 *                       *                *
*                                                          *
*         VERSION 3.5.3                 2023-12-23         *
*                                                          *
*    The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at   *
*                 *
*                            and                           *
*           *
*                                                          *
*               Type 'help' for in-line help.              *
*           Type 'tutorial' to learn how MG5 works         *
*    Type 'tutorial aMCatNLO' to learn how aMC@NLO works   *
*    Type 'tutorial MadLoop' to learn how MadLoop works    *
*                                                          *
load MG5 configuration from ../../../../softwares/madgraph5/input/mg5_configuration.txt 
fastjet-config does not seem to correspond to a valid fastjet-config executable (v3+). We will use fjcore instead.
 Please set the 'fastjet'variable to the full (absolute) /PATH/TO/fastjet-config (including fastjet-config).
 MG5_aMC> set fastjet /PATH/TO/fastjet-config

eMELA-config does not seem to correspond to a valid eMELA-config executable.
 Please set the 'fastjet'variable to the full (absolute) /PATH/TO/eMELA-config (including eMELA-config).
 MG5_aMC> set eMELA /PATH/TO/eMELA-config

set lhapdf to lhapdf-config
set lhapdf to lhapdf-config
Using default text editor "vi". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
No valid eps viewer found. Please set in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
No valid web browser found. Please set in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
Loading default model: sm
INFO: Restrict model sm with file ../../../../softwares/madgraph5/models/sm/restrict_default.dat . 
INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information. 
INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention 
Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+
Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu-
Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt
Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
Defined multiparticle all = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ t b t~ b~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+
  • executable refers to the path of the mg5_aMC executable file.
  • verbose is used to control the output level. The default value is 1 showing all the information as the CLI does. If it is set to 0, no information will be displayed.

Generate the process#

We take "p p > w+ z" as the first example. We want to give the W boson a boost to simulate there is a heavy intermediate particles from new physics. So no decay chain is specified here. In the launch part, W boson decays to two jets and Z boson decays invisibly to ensure the fatjet is consistent with the W boson.

g.generate("p p > w+ z")
generate p p > w+ z
INFO: Checking for minimal orders which gives processes. 
INFO: Please specify coupling orders to bypass this step. 
INFO: Trying process: u d~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1  
INFO: Process has 3 diagrams 
INFO: Trying process: u s~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1  
INFO: Trying process: c d~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1  
INFO: Trying process: c s~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1  
INFO: Process has 3 diagrams 
INFO: Process d~ u > w+ z added to mirror process u d~ > w+ z 
INFO: Process s~ c > w+ z added to mirror process c s~ > w+ z 
2 processes with 6 diagrams generated in 0.025 s
Total: 2 processes with 6 diagrams


The add process and generate commands from CLI are combined into generate in the API. So you can directly add processes one by one. For example: g.generate("p p > w+ j", "p p > w- j")

After generating the process, it is crutial to check the feynman diagram before moving on:

display diagrams Diagrams
Drawing Process: u d~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1
Wrote file Diagrams/diagrams_1_udx_wpz.eps
open Diagrams/diagrams_1_udx_wpz.eps
Not able to open file Diagrams/diagrams_1_udx_wpz.eps since no program configured.Please set one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
Drawing Process: c s~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1
Wrote file Diagrams/diagrams_1_csx_wpz.eps
open Diagrams/diagrams_1_csx_wpz.eps
Not able to open file Diagrams/diagrams_1_csx_wpz.eps since no program configured.Please set one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
time to draw 0.012159109115600586
!tree Diagrams
├── diagrams_1_csx_wpz.eps
├── diagrams_1_csx_wpz.pdf
├── diagrams_1_udx_wpz.eps
└── diagrams_1_udx_wpz.pdf

0 directories, 4 files
  • By default, the diagram is stored in the Diagrams folder in the current directory. You can change the path by setting the parameter diagram_dir.
  • The .eps file is converted in .pdf format for convenience.

Finally, we can save the process to a directory:

output /root/workspace_ssd/projects/hep-ml-lab/examples/data/pp2wz
INFO: initialize a new directory: pp2wz 
INFO: remove old information in pp2wz 
INFO: Organizing processes into subprocess groups 
INFO: Generating Helas calls for process: u d~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1 
INFO: Processing color information for process: u d~ > w+ z @1 
INFO: Combined process c s~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1 with process u d~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1 
INFO: Creating files in directory P1_qq_wpz 
INFO: Generating Feynman diagrams for Process: u d~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1 
INFO: Finding symmetric diagrams for subprocess group qq_wpz 
Generated helas calls for 1 subprocesses (3 diagrams) in 0.007 s
Wrote files for 10 helas calls in 0.033 s
ALOHA: aloha starts to compute helicity amplitudes
ALOHA: aloha creates 4 routines in  1.021 s
The option auto_update is modified [7] but will not be written in the configuration files.
If you want to make this value the default for future session, you can run 'save options --all'
save configuration file to /root/workspace_ssd/projects/hep-ml-lab/examples/data/pp2wz/Cards/me5_configuration.txt
INFO: Use Fortran compiler gfortran 
INFO: Use c++ compiler g++ 
INFO: Generate jpeg diagrams 
INFO: Generate web pages 
Output to directory /root/workspace_ssd/projects/hep-ml-lab/examples/data/pp2wz done.
Type "launch" to generate events from this process, or see
Run "open index.html" to see more information about this process.
display diagrams /root/workspace_ssd/projects/hep-ml-lab/examples/data/pp2wz/Diagrams
Drawing Process: u d~ > w+ z WEIGHTED<=4 @1
Wrote file /root/workspace_ssd/projects/hep-ml-lab/examples/data/pp2wz/Diagrams/diagrams_1_udx_wpz.eps
open /root/workspace_ssd/projects/hep-ml-lab/examples/data/pp2wz/Diagrams/diagrams_1_udx_wpz.eps
Not able to open file /root/workspace_ssd/projects/hep-ml-lab/examples/data/pp2wz/Diagrams/diagrams_1_udx_wpz.eps since no program configured.Please set one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt
time to draw 0.007663726806640625
Process log saved to data/pp2wz/Logs/process.log


Even if you don't display_diagram before, the diagram will be saved in the Diagrams folder of the output directory.

Launch the first run#

It's time to launch the first run. In the CLI, two prompts will show up: one for the tools and the other for the configurations. In the API, they are combined into one method:

        "nevents": 1000,
        "run_tag": "250-300",
        "pt_min_pdg": {24: 250},
        "pt_max_pdg": {24: 300},
        "w+ > j j",
        "z > vl vl~",
  • shower and detector are options for parton shower and detector simulation tools. Currently, pythia8 and delphes are available.
  • In Madgraph5, you can use the set command to change configurations in different cards without opening them. The settings attribute contains these configurations as a Python dictionary.
  • To generate a large number of events, set the multi_run parameter.

Check the information#

After the generation is finished, you can use .summary() to check all the information of runs:

                                       p p > w+ z                                        
┃ # ┃ Name      ┃ Collider         ┃ Tag     ┃   Cross section (pb)   ┃ N events ┃ Seed ┃
│ 0 │ run_01[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 250-300 │ 4.371e-02 +- 4.200e-04 │    1,000 │   42 │
                                   Output: data/pp2wz                                    
  • The number in the square bracket after “run_01” represents the value of multi_run.
  • A random seed is crucial to reproduce the results, which is why Seed is also displayed.

The data in the summary table are properties of a run:

run_01 = g.runs[0]
print(f"Processes: {g.processes}")
print(f"Name: {}")
print(f"N subruns: {len(run_01.sub_runs)}")
print(f"Collider: {run_01.collider}")
print(f"Tag: {run_01.tag}")
print(f"Cross section: {run_01.cross}")
print(f"Error: {run_01.error}")
print(f"N events: {run_01.n_events}")
print(f"Seed: {run_01.seed}")
Processes: ['p p > w+ z']
Name: run_01
N subruns: 1
Collider: pp:6500.0x6500.0
Tag: 250-300
Cross section: 0.04371
Error: 0.00042
N events: 1000
Seed: 42

Use events() to retrieve the event files:

This string could be used directly in the uproot:

import uproot

events =[0])
<TTree 'Delphes' (34 branches) at 0x7fc181a77310>

Launch more runs#

Under the same process, we can adjust the configurations and launch multiple runs to "scan":

low_limits = [300, 350, 400, 450]
high_limits = [350, 400, 450, 500]

g.verbose = 0

for low, high in zip(low_limits, high_limits):
    print(f"Generating events between {low} and {high} GeV")
            "nevents": 1000,
            "run_tag": f"{low}-{high}",
            "pt_min_pdg": {24: low},
            "pt_max_pdg": {24: high},
            "w+ > j j",
            "z > vl vl~",

Generating events between 300 and 350 GeV
Generating events between 350 and 400 GeV
Generating events between 400 and 450 GeV
Generating events between 450 and 500 GeV
                                       p p > w+ z                                        
┃ # ┃ Name      ┃ Collider         ┃ Tag     ┃   Cross section (pb)   ┃ N events ┃ Seed ┃
│ 0 │ run_01[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 250-300 │ 4.371e-02 +- 4.200e-04 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 1 │ run_02[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 300-350 │ 2.021e-02 +- 1.900e-04 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 2 │ run_03[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 350-400 │ 9.985e-03 +- 9.400e-05 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 3 │ run_04[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 400-450 │ 5.322e-03 +- 8.100e-05 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 4 │ run_05[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 450-500 │ 2.972e-03 +- 3.500e-05 │    1,000 │   42 │
                                   Output: data/pp2wz                                    

Build a binary classification task#

We take QCD to dijet as the background and WZ to dijet as the signal. Both have 10,000 events.

wz = Madgraph5(executable="mg5_aMC", verbose=0)

wz.generate("p p > w+ z")
        "nevents": 10000,
        "pt_min_pdg": {24: 250},
        "pt_max_pdg": {24: 300},
        "w+ > j j",
        "z > vl vl~",

                                      p p > w+ z                                       
┃ # ┃ Name      ┃ Collider         ┃ Tag   ┃   Cross section (pb)   ┃ N events ┃ Seed ┃
│ 0 │ run_01[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ tag_1 │ 4.375e-02 +- 1.400e-04 │   10,000 │   42 │
                                Output: data/pp2wz@10k                                 
qcd = Madgraph5(executable="mg5_aMC", verbose=0)

qcd.generate("p p > j j")
        "nevents": 10000,
        "ptj": 250,
        "ptjmax": 300,

                                       p p > j j                                       
┃ # ┃ Name      ┃ Collider         ┃ Tag   ┃   Cross section (pb)   ┃ N events ┃ Seed ┃
│ 0 │ run_01[0] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ tag_1 │ 1.161e+04 +- 4.000e+01 │   10,000 │   42 │
                                Output: data/pp2jj@10k                                 

Read the existing output#

Here we take the "pp2wz" as the exising output directory:

  • If you want to check all information of runs inside this output, use Madgraph5.from_output:
g = Madgraph5.from_output("data/pp2wz", executable="mg5_aMC")
                                       p p > w+ z                                        
┃ # ┃ Name      ┃ Collider         ┃ Tag     ┃   Cross section (pb)   ┃ N events ┃ Seed ┃
│ 0 │ run_01[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 250-300 │ 4.371e-02 +- 4.200e-04 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 1 │ run_02[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 300-350 │ 2.021e-02 +- 1.900e-04 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 2 │ run_03[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 350-400 │ 9.985e-03 +- 9.400e-05 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 3 │ run_04[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 400-450 │ 5.322e-03 +- 8.100e-05 │    1,000 │   42 │
│ 4 │ run_05[1] │ pp:6500.0x6500.0 │ 450-500 │ 2.972e-03 +- 3.500e-05 │    1,000 │   42 │
                                   Output: data/pp2wz                            
  • Or you only want to retrieve a single run:
run = Madgraph5Run("data/pp2wz", name="run_02")
Madgraph5Run run_02 (1 sub runs):
- collider: pp:6500.0x6500.0
- tag: 300-350
- seed: 42
- cross: 0.02021
- error: 0.00019
- n_events: 1000

Check the doc to learn more about Madgraph5, Madgraph5Run.